
Pryopia Columbina 

 Other common names:  Nori (Japan), Laver (Wales), Sluckus (Canada), Kim/Gim (Korean), Haidai (Chinese), Sleabhac (Ireland) 


Made famous in western households by Japanese sushi cuisine, Karengo is the seaweed known as “Nori”. There are 35 types found around the globe but genetic, macroscopic or microscopic analysis is required to truly distinguish the exact species of this genus.


Karengo grows profusely on exposed coastlines and is found on intertidal shores from high latitude to the tropics. It is found in small clusters firmly attached by a holdfast to rocks near the high tide mark and naturally dries out on the rock surface.


Karengo grows prolifically in the spring and, as it grows high up on the tide line, it is easily accessed. The fronds can be pinched off and the holdfast discarded, or cut with scissors or a sharp knife so that the base of the frond remains, allowing it to re-grow.

In some areas, there are regulations to manage the amounts of Karengo that can be picked. It is best to check with your local or regional government before setting out.


Karengo is one of the tastiest seaweeds and has a strong umami flavour. Karengo can be eaten fresh, dried or cooked. Softer Karengo is suitable for using fresh and pan-frying in butter, with minimal flavour. The tougher specimens are more suited to drying and processing as a seasoning.

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